basic infotone tags are indicators, used for giving the tone or context of a message, whether for clarification to others or yourself. (e.g. i like to clarify what i mean when i say a certain thing, so it does not get misinterpreted).they may seem weird, confusing, or too hard to you but for others who cannot interpret tone or have difficulty with tone, over text or otherwise, they are wonderful. (although some may not like relying on them)you typically add them to the end of a sentence!

all tone tags that i am aware of or have seen/aff - affectionate
/ay - at you
/c - copypasta
/cb - clickbait
/ci - caring intent
/da - d/a / d/a related
/dir - directed
/ex - exaggeration
/f - fake
/fos - figure of speech
/g or /gen - genuine
/gq or /genq - genuine question
/hj - half joking
/hyp - hyperbole (def. for those confused: exaggerated statements or claims that aren't meant to be taken seriously)
/info - informative / information
/ij - inside joke
**/j **- joking
/l, /ly, or /lyr - lyrics
/lh - light hearted
/li - literally
/lu - a little upset
/m - metaphor / metaphorically
/md - melodramatic
/nam not actually mad
/nay - not at you
/nbh - nobody here
/nbr - not being rude
/neg - negative
/neu - neutral
/nf - not forced
/nm - not mad
/npa not passive-aggressive
/nsrs - not serious
/nsx - not sexual / not intended to be sexual
/ot - off topic
/p - platonic
/pos - positive
/q - quote
/r - romantic
/ref - reference
/rh - rhetorical question
/s or /sarc - sarcastic / sarcasm
/sbip - somebody in particular
/srs - serious
/stim - stimming
/sx - sexual intent
/sys - system / systems related
/t - teasing
/th - threat
/unr - unrelated
i have seen others tack on a "v" for very before the rest of a tonetag, e.g. "/vneg"